Globally charged EV
Petrol vs Electric: Which is the cheaper way to run your car?

The costs of running your car on petrol and electricity in the UK
In the United Kingdom, the rising petrol and electricity prices have been a topic of much discussion, with the government finally adding a fixed cap for energy prices. Yet, petrol prices remain a bit more sporadic.

The United Kingdom has seen stern increases in its petrol prices, but this has been incredibly inconsistent. Petrol prices were at around £1.78 per litre or rather, it cost an average of £22.56 to fuel a petrol car per 100 miles in 2021. However, in 2022, that figure has seen a slight decline to £1.63 per litre or £20.63 on average, per 100 miles. This means on average it costs around £81.02 to fill your car's petrol tank, as opposed to the £88.61 in 2021. That shows an 8.6% decrease from 2021 to 2022, which had the United Kingdom rank 22nd globally for the largest petrol price increase.
Likewise, where the United Kingdom has seen increases in petrol prices, electricity prices have increased too, though to a seemingly lesser extent. In 2021, electricity cost £0.23 per kWh or an average of £5.78 per 100 miles, which rose to £0.28 per kWh or an average of £7.10 per 100 miles in 2022 for a total increase of 22.9%.This increase ranked the United Kingdom 20th. Ireland ranked one place above the UK, having a larger price increase and Germany was higher still, having a 31.7% increase in their electricity prices.
While charging your electric car or vehicle with a standard outlet is possible, it is generally not recommended for extended periods. Instead, you should consider a dedicated EV charger.
The price difference between petrol and electricity in the UK

With the petrol price increases the United Kingdom has seen in 2022, filling your car’s fuel tank costs, on average, £81.02. Alternatively, even despite the electricity price increases, fully charging an electric car's battery would cost an average of £16.78. To normalise these figures, it costs on average £20.63 per 100 miles to fuel a petrol car and an average of £7.10 per 100 miles to charge an electric vehicle. This means there is a 190.37% price difference between these two averages, indicating that it would be cheaper to run an electric car in the UK. Globally, the UK ranked 30th for the highest price differences between fuel and electric cars, though countries such as Germany and Belgium had lower price differences. Ireland again ranked higher, with a slightly bigger price difference.
Countries with the largest petrol price increase

1. Chile
Average Petrol Cost to Fill a Car's Tank 2021: £51.65 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2021: £1.31 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2021: £13.15
Average Petrol Cost to Fill a Cars Tank 2022: £62.65 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2022: £1.59 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £15.95
Price Increase: 21.3%
Chile, a narrow stretch of a country located in South America, comes out as the country with the highest increase on the average cost to fill a car with petrol. In 2021, the average price was around £51.65 to fill a car's fuel tank, 2022 saw that figure rise by 21.3% to £62.65 on average.
2. USA
Average Petrol Cost to Fill a Car's Tank 2021: £38.74 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £0.99 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2021: £9.86
Average Petrol Cost to Fill a Cars Tank 2022: £45.82 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £1.17 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £11.66
Price Increase: 18.3%
The United States of America, home of cities such as New York, Los Angeles and D.C. Washington, comes in as the country with the second-largest increase on their average petrol costs. In 2021, the average cost to fill your car's petrol tank in the US was £38.74, which rose to £45.82 in 2022, an increase of 18.3%.
3. United Arab Emirates
Average Petrol Cost to Fill a Car's Tank 2021: £30.28 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £0.77 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2021: £7.71
Average Petrol Cost to Fill a Cars Tank 2022: £34.51| Average Cost per 10 Miles: £0.88 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £8.79
Price Increase: 14.0%
Also located in the Arabian Peninsula and sharing a border with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates takes the third spot. With an overall 14.0% increase on the 2021 average price to fill your car's tank, which was £30.28. As of 2022, that figure is now at £35.07 for each time you wish to fill your car's tank.
4. China
Average Petrol Cost to Fill a Car's Tank 2021: £47.20 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £1.20 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2021: £12.02
Average Petrol Cost to Fill a Cars Tank 2022: £53.63 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £1.37 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £13.65
Price Increase: 13.6%
China, located in East Asia and spanning five geographical zones, as well as being the world's most populous country, takes the fourth spot. From 2021 to 2022, the average cost of filling a car’s petrol tank has increased by 13.6%, now costing around £53.63 on average.
5. Turkey
Average Petrol Cost to Fill a Car's Tank 2021: £39.63 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £1.01 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2021: £10.09
Average Petrol Cost to Fill a Cars Tank 2022: £44.97 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £1.14 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £11.45
Price Increase: 13.5%
Turkey is a transcontinental country, located primarily in the Anatolian Peninsula in Western Asia, with a minute portion residing on the Balkan Peninsula in Southeastern Europe. In 2021, it would cost an average of £39.63 to fill a car’s fuel tank. That figure increased by 13.5% in 2022, now costing £44.97 on average to fill your car’s tank with petrol.

Countries with the largest EV charge price increase

1. Estonia
Average Cost of Fully Charging an Electric Car 2021: £6.80 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2021: £0.29 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2021: £2.88
Average Cost of Fully Charging an Electric Car 2022: £16.78 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2022: £0.71 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £7.10
Price Increase: 146.6%
Estonia, located in Northern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland, comes out with the highest increase in the cost of charging an electric car. From 2021 to 2022, the average cost of fully charging an electric car has increased by 146.1% in Estonia, with the average price now at £16.78.
2. Poland
Average Cost of Fully Charging an Electric Car 2021: £3.81 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2021: £0.16 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2021: £1.61
Average Cost of Fully Charging an Electric Car 2022: £8.60 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2022: £0.36 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £3.64
Price Increase: 125.7%
Poland is located in Central Europe and is the fifth most populous country in the European Union. This country has also seen an increase in its electric car charging costs. In 2021, the average price of charging an electric car was £3.81, 2022 saw that figure rise to £8.60, for a 125.7% increase.
3. Sweden
Average Cost of Fully Charging an Electric Car 2021: £7.67 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2021: £0.32 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2021: £3.25
Average Cost of Fully Charging an Electric Car 2022: £14.37 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2022: £0.61 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £6.09
Price Increase: 87.3%
Sweden is a Scandinavian country, located in the very North of Europe and has the third highest average price increase for charging an electric car. Between 2021 and 2022, the price increased by 87.3%.
4. Slovakia
Average Cost of Fully Charging an Electric Car 2021: £5.44 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2021: £0.23 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2021: £2.30
Average Cost of Fully Charging an Electric Car 2022: £9.86 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2022: £0.42 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £4.18
Price Increase: 81.2%
Slovakia is a land-locked country in the centre of Europe and shares a border with Poland. In 2021, the average cost of fully charging an electric car was £5.44, and in 2022, it changed to £9.86, for an increase of 81.2%.
5. Lithuania
Average Cost of Fully Charging an Electric Car 2021: £9.42 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2021: £0.40 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2021: £3.99
Average Cost of Fully Charging an Electric Car 2022: £16.36 | Average Cost per 10 Miles 2022: £0.69 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £6.93
Price Increase: 73.7%
Lithuania, one of Europe's Baltic states, lies on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, takes the fifth spot. As of 2022, the average cost of fully charging an electric car is £16.36, which is a 73.7% increase from 2021.

Countries with the biggest price difference between petrol and electricity

1. Hong Kong
Average Cost to Fill a Tank 2022: £127.49 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £3.25 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £32.46 |
Cost to Fully Charge a Car 2022: £8.36 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £0.35 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £3.54 |
Difference per 100 Miles: 817.06%
Having already ranked at the top for the biggest price increase on the average cost of filling a car's tank with petrol, it comes as little surprise there is a gulf between petrol and electricity price. As of 2022, it costs an average of just £3.54 to charge an electric car per 100 miles, it costs 817.06% more to fill a petrol tank per 100 miles in Hong Kong.
2. Hungary
Average Cost to Fill a Tank 2022: £66.98 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £1.71 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £17.05 |
Cost to Fully Charge a Car 2022: £4.69 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £0.20 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £1.99 |
Increase: 758.62%
Hungary is another land-locked country in the central region of Europe and shares borders with seven other countries. The price difference between petrol and electric cars is sizeable in this country, with it costing 758.62% more on average to fill a car's petrol tank per 100 miles than to charge an electric car's battery per 100 miles.
3. Norway
Average Cost to Fill a Tank 2022: £95.17 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £2.42 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £24.23 |
Cost to Fully Charge a Car 2022: £6.92 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £0.29 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £2.93 |
Increase: 727.44%
Norway is a Scandinavian country, with rich Viking history and many deep coastal fjords. The average cost to fill a car's petrol tank per 100 miles is £24.23 as of 2022 in Norway, whereas the price to charge a car's battery is £2.93 per 100 miles. This makes it 727.44% more expensive to run your car on petrol, as opposed to electricity, in Norway.
4. China
Average Cost to Fill a Tank 2022: £53.63 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £1.37 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £13.65
Cost to Fully Charge a Car 2022: £4.03 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £0.17 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £1.71
Increase: 700.42%
China, having ranked fourth for biggest petrol price increases, also takes the fourth spot here. On average, it costs around 700.42% more to run your car on petrol than electricity in China, with charging an electric car's battery costing just £1.71 per 100 miles and filling a car's fuel tank costs an average of £13.65 per 100 miles.
5. Turkey
Average Cost to Fill a Tank 2022: £44.97 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £1.14 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £11.45
Cost to Fully Charge a Car 2022: £3.61 | Average Cost per 10 Miles: £0.15 | Average Cost per 100 Miles 2022: £1.53
Increase: 649.40%
Having already ranked in the top five for the biggest increases in their average petrol prices, Turkey also has the fifth largest price difference between petrol and electric. In Turkey, it would, on average, cost you 649.40% more to run your car on petrol than electricity, as it costs just £1.53 on average to charge an electric car per 100 miles.

To begin, we took the petrol prices per litre in GBP, for a list of developed countries (where data for these countries was available). We took 2022 (valid as of October 3rd 2022) prices from Global Petrol Prices and the 2021 prices from Trading Economics.
We then did the same for electricity prices (per kWh), again taking the electricity prices for 2022 (valid as of March) from Global Petrol Prices and 2021 (furthest back we could find data) from Cable. Prices were again taken in GBP, in the case of Cable and Trading Economics, their USD prices were converted on 10/10/2022 at 12:46 PM and 13/10/2022 at 12:29 PM.
With these prices, we used the five most commonly owned petrol cars and the five most commonly owned electric cars, taking their maximum range (in miles) on a full tank/battery and their tank/battery capacity, then calculating an average for these figures. The average battery capacity was 60kWh, the average range for EV’s was 236 miles. The average petrol tank capacity was 50 litres and the average range in miles was 393.
Finally, we then calculated the difference between the cost of filling a petrol car's tank per 100 miles and charging an electric car's battery per 100 miles. Using the average calculated above, we were able to calculate the average cost per miles for each country, for both electric and petrol, we then times that number by 100 for the rate per 100 miles. We then ranked each country on the price difference between electric and petrol vehicles per 100 miles.