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Modern Slavery Statement

This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement sets down Fleetdrive Management Ltd.’s commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our business activities and the steps we have put in place with the aim of ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business and supply chains.

Organisational Structure and Supply Chains

This statement covers the business activities of Fleetdrive Management Ltd., which are as follows: The provision of a company car and van contract hire, fleet management, and personal car leasing under the trading style ‘DriveElectric’. The Company currently operates within the United Kingdom from a single core location and consists of fewer than 50 employees.

A consideration of the following factors comprises the process by which the Company assesses whether particular organizations or activities are ‘high risk’ in relation to modern slavery or human trafficking:

The business model and structure of a business and its related sectors, the geographies and regions in which it operates, the size, complexity, and location of its supply chains, the nature of its relationships with workers, suppliers, and other organizations, and the due diligence undertaken to ensure that identifying, assessing and managing any possible risks can be done safely and effectively, alongside appropriate whistle-blowing and response policies, and the promotion of a company-wide sense of responsibility

High-Risk Activities

None of the Company’s activities are considered to be at high risk of modern slavery or human trafficking. Responsibility for the Company’s anti-slavery initiatives is as follows:


The management team at Fleetdrive Management Ltd. is responsible for creating and reviewing policies. The process by which policies are developed is by observing best practice alongside current legal requirements and recommendations, obtaining research and advice from a variety of sources, and formulating these into a policy that is adapted to the needs of the company.

Due diligence

All employees are expected to report any concerns they may have, and the management team is responsible for due diligence in relation to known or suspected instances of modern slavery and human trafficking, and to act on any reports relating to such instances promptly and appropriately.


The Company is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or our supply chains. This Statement affirms its intention to act ethically in our business relationships.

The following policies set down our approach to the identification of modern slavery risks and steps to be taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our operations:

  • Whistleblowing – the Company encourages all its workers, customers, and other business partners to report any concerns related to its direct activities or its supply chains.
  • Employee Code of Conduct – The Code of Conduct sets down the actions and behavior expected of employees when representing the Company.
  • Environmental Policy – The Company’s environmental policy summarises how we manage our environmental impacts and work responsibly with suppliers and local communities to minimize these.

Due Diligence

The Company undertakes due diligence when considering taking on new suppliers, alongside building long-standing relationships with existing suppliers and making clear our expectations of business partners, and evaluating the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Performance Indicators

The Company uses a number of indicators to measure how effective we are in ensuring slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains, including checks to ensure employees hold the right to work in the UK via pre-employment passport, driving license, and National Insurance verification. The above Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. The management team at Fleetdrive Management Ltd. endorses this policy statement and is fully committed to its implementation.

The above Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. The management team at Fleetdrive Management Ltd. endorses this policy statement and is fully committed to its implementation.

Our commitments

DriveElectric is committed to the following actions to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains:

1.        Adhere to all relevant laws and regulations, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015, to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

2.        Implement due diligence processes to identify and assess the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains, and to take appropriate steps to address any such risks.

3.        Develop and implement a code of conduct for our suppliers, which sets out our expectations with respect to the treatment of workers and the prevention of slavery and human trafficking.

4.        Provide training and guidance to our employees on the identification and prevention of slavery and human trafficking.

5.        Regularly review and update our anti-slavery policy and procedures to ensure they remain effective in preventing slavery and human trafficking.

Reporting concerns

If you have any concerns or suspect that slavery or human trafficking may be taking place in our business or supply chains, please report this to DriveElectric’s HR department or any other responsible person. All reports will be taken seriously, investigated thoroughly, and kept confidential.

DriveElectric is committed to working with all stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, and employees, to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not tolerated in any form within our business or supply chains.

Approved by: DriveElectric Board of Directors

Date of Approval: 21/04/2023