Electric vehicle guides and resources packed with knowledge, so you can familiarise yourself with the basics of EV leasing, driving, and charging before your new electric vehicle arrives.
Carbon reporting for your business: What you need to know
Businesses of all sizes have an important role to play in reducing carbon emissions and helping build a more sustainable future. In the UK, one of the key initiatives aimed at pushing towards a low carbon economy is the Streamlined Energy...

Solar panels for your business: what are the advantages and disadvantages of solar panels?
As a business, you’re likely looking at new and innovative ways to be greener and reduce your carbon footprint. The energy you use day-to-day is a huge factor in any green strategy, meaning more and more businesses are thinking about solar...

Electric car salary sacrifice schemes
At DriveElectric, we have a hassle-free EV car salary sacrifice scheme. Your employees can enjoy the benefits of driving an electric car. And for your company, it’s another push towards your sustainability goals. But how does it work for...

Guide: Discover the facts on lowering Scope 3 GHG emissions
Let's take a closer look at Article 8 and Article 9 funds of the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and how these can reduce Scope 3 emissions in your organisation

Does salary sacrifice affect tax — and is it worth it?
Employers become more tax efficient with dividends, expense claims and director loans. Employees, on the other hand, have their own option: a salary sacrifice. This enables you to take a benefit in lieu of a portion of your income, cutting...

Top tips for safe driving in fog: expert guide & best practices
The arrival of foggy weather affects road conditions and visibility, making driving challenging and potentially hazardous. We’ve created this helpful guide to assist drivers in staying safe when driving during this type of weather.
Green car leasing
At DriveElectric, you can join the green revolution today and take the first step toward driving a new electric vehicle. We have electric vehicle lease deals across the full range of EVs. You can lease an SUV, hatchback, coupe and more and...

Does a salary sacrifice scheme affect my mortgage?
If you’ve ever wondered, ‘Will a salary sacrifice scheme affect my mortgage?’ there’s a lot to discuss. Let’s tackle why sacrificing part of a salary doesn’t necessarily mean sacrificing home ownership too.

What are the benefits of car salary sacrifice?
Car salary sacrifice is an employment benefit scheme where there’s an agreement between an employer and employee to reduce the employee’s taxable salary. In return, the employee receives a car benefit, while making a saving on the amount of...

Decarbonising Your Diet: 5 Ways to Make Low Carbon Food Choices
Looking to incorporate more low-carbon foods into your weekly meal plan? Read ahead to discover some super easy ways to ‘’eat green’’ in a way that doesn’t mean lettuce leaves for dinner. Grubs up!